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LSU Professor Preaches in Palaiseau

Aug 16

2 min read




Written/Edited By: Charles James IV

The bible can be described as a “divine romance” between Christ and the Church. It is a love that all of God’s messengers feel compelled to partake in and gravitate others to.

This evangelistic expedition led LSU Professor, Sheryl LaFleur, overseas. This venture would coincide with the unparalleled and momentous occasion of the Paris 2024 Olympics.

The members held their Recovery version bible in high regard. The Recovery version was created from learning the original languages of Greek and Hebrew in concert with languages such as English, French and Chinese. 

The writers then performed direct translations with footnotes to describe words that translate to the same word, but convey different perspectives of the translation.

The group that Professor LaFleur traveled with was expanded across the various cities of France. They scattered to winds across cities like Lyon, Paris and Palaiseau.

The members held their Recovery version bible in high regard. The Recovery version was created from learning the original languages of Greek and Hebrew in concert with languages such as English, French and Chinese. 

The writers then performed direct translations with footnotes to describe words that translate to the same word, but convey different perspectives of the translation.

Their mission was to teach people not only to be saved, but to cleanse their different levels of spirit. The group spoke of a tertiary leveling to our beings. The typical distinction is between body and soul. However, this group expressed a secondary division of the soul.

LaFleur explained the differences in the translation for life. According to the Recovery Bible, your soul is separated between an emotional layer and a heavenly layer of life force referred to as “Zoe.”

The Zoe life stems directly from God and is cleansed at baptism. The emotional layer that follows can be cleansed through works and devotion to Christ’s mission.

The members of this group felt compelled to share the gospel during this unique chance at a platform with various audiences. The world has been seen to stray from God’s law in favor of human law.

However, the relationship between the law of man and the law of God can be explained in Newtonian concepts. The law of aerodynamics supersedes the law of gravity just as God's law supersedes man.

In this interview, LaFleur goes into readings of Acts chapter 8, John chapter 10 and her personal journey of being called to spread the word.

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