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A letter to LSU

Jul 29

2 min read




When children are young, they dream of becoming astronauts, athletes, doctors, lawyers and actors, among many other things.

Not me though. My dreams only reached as far as Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Growing up in a small town in South Louisiana, being an LSU fan was just as important as the Cajun food we ate and the good Lord that we worshiped. 

It wasn’t just a hobby – it was a lifestyle.

Having both attended LSU themselves, my Louisiana-bred parents bled purple and gold. 

While other children were watching Dora the Explorer, I was watching LSU quarterback Matt Flynn lead the Tigers to their third National Championship. While other children were learning to say “mama” and “dada,” I was learning LSU’s fight song.

So when a letter arrived from LSU that said “congratulations,” I finally felt fulfilled, and the excitement hasn’t stopped since.

LSU is nothing like I thought it would be. It’s so much more.

Just as the U.S. is considered a melting pot for the world, I view LSU as one in the same.

Some of my best friends come from countries such as Spain or Mexico. My friend-group is a diverse clan of different cultures, beliefs and values. It’s what makes us unique.

LSU has a place for everyone, and I’m thankful that I found mine early.

But its experiences like the Olympics Project that shows LSU’s true colors. The people on this trip all come from different backgrounds, giving each of us a unique perspective of life.

How fitting for us to be at the Olympics? – The one place where the world comes together in harmony. The one place where peace comes before differences.

This is how I view LSU. It is the place where I feel most at peace. It is the place that allows me to showcase all of my opinions and beliefs.

In some ways it is my home, and that is something that I will forever be grateful for.


Ava <3

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