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A letter to my younger self

Jul 24

2 min read




To the little girl who looked forward to waking up at 6 a.m. to play softball with her best friends.

To the little girl who was constantly covered in dirt and scratches and sweat.

To the little girl who watched countless high school basketball games, just waiting to wear that jersey one day.

To the little girl who looked for competition in every aspect of life.

I only have two words for you – thank you.

Thank you for always living in the moment – for always taking the little things in. Your hard work, dedication and passion for sports molded you into the woman that you are today. 

You’re smart, but it’s okay to not always be the smartest person in the room. Be content, love what you have and make the most of what God gave you.

I wish that I could tell you how far you’ve come. 

I know you’re worried about whether a future in sports is possible for you – It is.

I know you’re worried about whether you’ll be successful as a woman in sports – You are.

At the young age of 19, you were able to cover LSU football. A few months later, you covered LSU gymnastics’ first ever national championship. You got to meet LSU’s softball team - a team full of people that you’ve looked up to for close to five years.

And now you’re at the 2024 Olympic Games. And yes, you heard that right.

As my previous editor once said, “Some people work their whole lives to be able to cover these events. We get to cover them as 20-year-old college kids.”

Never forget that feeling. 

Never take for granted the feeling of hitting in the winning run. Never take for granted the feeling of making the game-winning shot. Soak it all in.

I’m genuinely so proud of you. 

There will always be people trying to get in your way or tear you down. Don’t let them. You know what you want, so go get it!

I’m doing this all for you.

With love,

Ava <3

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