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Day 6 in Lyon!!

Jul 30

1 min read




hi hi! Day 6 Blog post! GUYS! We woke up for SUNRISE & watched it from a cliff next to the basilica overlooking the city. I can’t justify the beauty of the moment in a few shorts words, but i’ll say this: God’s creation is breathtaking. After, we headed back to the hotel to take a quick nap & then explore. The first stop was COFFEE! I got a Chantilly Coffee & boy was it EPIC. It had whipped cream & everything. Then we got lunch & I ordered the truffle ravioli 😋 It was so rich I could not finish it, but it was a solid 7/10. We explored after lunch & found a museum to view! It had hieroglyphics, helmets, paintings, figurines - all from early years. Around 5:30pm I met Ava to go to French mass at the Basilica of Notre Dame. It was a very lovely reminder of how lucky we are as Catholics to celebrate & participate in our religion even in another country. Then Ava & I got some trinkets from the store next door & had dinner overlooking the city! So cool! Aurevoir!

Check out my travel Instagram here!

(Blog & Photo By Grace Hamblin)

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