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hi hi! Day 8 Blog post! We are headed to Paris today via a six-hour bus ride! It was very nice though because I got a lot of work done on the bus like writing blogs, editing posts, & scheduling content. We stopped for lunch at a nice gas station & we all got Bret’s chips & other fun things to try on the ride. I got another Swiss chocolate!! I’m super amped about that. When we finally made it to Paris, we dropped our belongings in our room & headed to dinner! It was in a cutie outdoor strip & I got truffle mac & cheese and chicken crisps 😋 Right next door was a bowling alley so of course after dinner we had to go. We all had a blast &, not to brag - I'm so humble - but I won on our lane 😌 Overall, it was a great little travel day & I am excited for what’s to come in Paris! Aurevoir!

Check out my travel Instagram here!

(Photo & Blog By Grace Hamblin)

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