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hi hi! Day 9 Blog post! We woke up super early to leave at 6:15 for beach volleyball! We took the metro all the way & I saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time. I will write a blog about this special moment, but it was nothing short of insane. We entered our event & took pictures by the tower before getting Nutella crepes! All around the venue were fun games like setting the ball into the hole, hitting the balls at different heights, or even a little 360 video moment. We did all of them of course then went into the stadium which had a clear view of the EIFFEL TOWER. We watched an Olympic event with an iconic structure in the background. HOW INSANE. Then we crossed the Seine to find a cutie lunch spot & I got the truffle burrata with rigatoni! After, we saw the outside of the Louvre (it was closed) & got ice cream from Amorino on our walk to see a birds-eye view of Paris from the Galeries Lafayette rooftop! It was breathtaking seeing the layout of this beautiful city. The architecture is CRAZY cool. After, we headed to the Arc de Triomphe which is HUGE. The bigger names on the walls are the names of the battles that made Napoleon famous and the smaller ones are his generals. Super cool stuff. Then we hopped on the metro to head home :) Aurevoir!

Check out my travel blog here!

(Blog & Photos By Grace Hamblin)

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