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Bella's Daily Bonjour: T-1 Day Until Departure

Jul 19

3 min read




Welcome to Bella’s Daily Bonjour,

This is where you will find my daily insights over the course of our trip to France. I am so happy you made it here!

I recently thought I had imposter syndrome, however, I realized that isn't the right word to describe this feeling. Alongside me are 24 other incredible students involved in classes, extracurriculars, jobs, and student media just like me. Similar on the surface and no one deserves this opportunity more than the other. Yet the question: “Why me?” lingered in my head for a while. I’m sure it's a question others might face too. Imposter implies that we are pretending to be someone else, however, where we head tomorrow is an experience that can’t be replicated or impersonated. Each of us belongs to the opportunity in a unique way.

I bet none of us would’ve believed it if we were told last year, let alone 6 months ago when we sat down at our computers to apply, that we’d be getting on a flight to the 2024 Paris Olympics. But also… with a catch. We wouldn’t be going for just any reason. We’d be going to immerse ourselves in the opportunity to pursue our passion in whatever capacity that might be. For me, it’s writing. For others, it’s filming, recording, capturing, and broadcasting. 

Communication brings all 25 of us together, yet our concentrations set us apart. It might seem like our eyes view experiences similarly, but how we share stories with others reveals just how truly different we all are. That is what makes this opportunity so unique. 

Attending a world-renowned event, that exclusively happens every four years is a concept I’m still working to wrap my head around. (Maybe it will hit me as I wrap my pillow around my neck and dream over the course of the 9-hour flight… that is if I’m not too excited to sleep). How does someone wrap their head around something so rare? The rareness of it all is what makes it the experience of a lifetime. Yes, the Olympics reoccur every four years, just like we graduate high school after four years, and (for many) the same amount for college. But the location, people, athletes, and cultures that gather to make up the overall corral at this specific 2024 Olympics- that exact combination? - It only happens once in this lifetime. So in the end, it’s truly only now.

And I- WE- get to be one of the people who make up the number. The number meaning: one out of the 15 million people expected to plant their feet in Paris for the Olympic games. One out of the 80,000 USA fans and one out of the 25 students who are part of The Olympics Project.

Over the past two weeks leading up to our departure, we’ve had the privilege to hear from various guest speakers including students, journalists, and Olympians. When former American track and field athlete, Carol Lewis, spoke to the class about showing up to compete on competition day, she said, 

“Go in there and say, why not me? If you don't believe in yourself, you're in trouble.”

So we are not imposters. We are one in all of those numbers. Why not us? My goal for sharing this journey is to make whoever is reading, feel like they are one in the numbers too. (If I am my own reader, then future me will relive these moments over and over again.) But – if I have my audience – then hello and welcome.

Join me back here tomorrow, where my daily bonjour will officially come from France!

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